
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Change can be so constant; sometimes you don't realize there's a change until its already here.

Okay guys... This is going to be a non-nail polish post...  my next few posts are going to be some "hauls" I've done lately, such as clothes and yes... nail polish. Today's post is going to center around a change I recently made. I tend to change my hair if I've just experienced a break-up or I'm going through a "trauma" of sorts... and feel like a change is needed. I'm experiencing some issues with someone that I considered a friend, and it's had me all torn up emotionally the last month or so... so last Wednesday I decided to get to my stylist and make a change. It tends to be cathartic for me, in that I make the change and tend to let the past go... so far, I'm taking it a day at a time and doing pretty well. Before Wednesday I was blonde with a black shadowbox in my bangs and the underneath of my hair.. I also had pink in there. I walked out a red-head, but kept the black shadowbox.



I must say... I much prefer the red. I've received NUMEROUS compliments on this... more so than I did when I was blonde. This will probably stick with me for a long, long time. What do ya'll think? Good change?

Happy weekend! xx


Lischen said...

Thanks for following!
You have such a cute blog!!


♥beauxs mom said...

The red looks really nice on you.

All The Pretty Polish said...

I love the red, it looks great :D

Melu103 said...

hi lovely!

i am sorry that this is happening to you..

getting sick, the breakup, your
friend issue ...

just stay positive love!
everything will be okey ..

unfortunately thats life
but god puts us thru obstacles
in life to get stronger and
learn from our mistakes!

:) hugs and more hugs


Meghan with an H said...

I know just what you mean about needing a change to let go of the past... I've been known to do that too! I LOVE the red, I'm a big redhead fan ;) I almost always go red for autumn, I need to visit my stylist too! :D
Feel better love!